Nov 7, 2010


A short two weeks ago on 10.23.10, I ran my second 5k at 28:55. That was only the second time I had run that far in my life, with the last being my very first 5k in June (which was more fun than run). That day I was pretty proud of my 9 minute 4 second mile average, and confident that I would be able to resume the running habit I had tried to pick up earlier in the summer.

The next week on 10.28.10 I attended the LLS "Team in Training" meeting here in Willoughby fully intending to sign up for an easy 6 months of half marathon training. In a blur of personal excitement, ambition, and spontaneity I signed my name on the line

...and checked the box next to FULL MARATHON.

For those of you who know me, this may make perfect sense. I am a hopeful, excited, ambitious and stubborn dreamer who tends to jam as many things into her schedule as humanly possible. I'm either a time management genius, or crazy...after 24 years of life I still can't figure out which. Regardless, I have some training to do--I'm running a marathon!

I hope you will all support me over the next 6 months as I push myself mind, body, and soul for the mighty 26.2 miles, and raise the $2,500 I have committed to collect for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's mission of eradicating blood cancers. I will see you at the finish line in Downtown Cleveland on May 15th...until then, it's time to time to train!!

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